Eclipse Che, tests on docker

How to start with cloud IDE on own small server.

You can get a hosted version of Eclipse Che with Codenvy at

Why online IDE?


When we are working with few projects and not with many technologies, it is so easy to start with project, beacuse it some standard.

After time, when are comming more projects and more technologies, more customers, it is not so easy to switch beetwenn projects, install envoronment.

That why it is one of many possiblilities to start with coding online in cloud, with environment ready to use in few seconds.

information about Eclipse Che

its easy to work with many frameworks

install che as root

mkdir /root/data

docker run -it –rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /root/data:/data -e CHE_HOST=<ip> eclipse/che start

Eclipse Che Installation
Eclipse Che Installation


New window



Testing with apache

Tom Sapletta

Author: Tom Sapletta

I connect the expiriences with new ideas. I have been passionate about computers and programming for 10 years. My first (micro) computer was ZX-Spectrum and the programming language was Basic. Since 2010, I have been programming professionally, objectively and functionally in monolithic and micro-service architectures. I am currently creating an ecosystem architecture at API foundation.