Python Django in Docker implementation and Semaphore testing

Why Docker?


Docker lets you package and deploy an application with all of its dependencies in a standardized Docker container.

To fastest build and run any applications and services in any environment.

Scale up with Microservices

By packaging and deploying services in Docker containers, you can have a continuous delivery workflow and easy scale a service up or down at any time based on customer demand.

Save Time and Effort with Standardized Deployment

Docker containers are the industry standard for running applications in the cloud, regardless of the programming language used to build them. This lets a large development team work faster, even with diverse platform components. It also allows you to migrate between cloud vendors without much effort. With Docker, there are no more destructive production updates, as containers make the deployment process immutable: old code keeps running until traffic routing changes to the new version.

Boost Developer Creativity

Docker lets you focus on writing code, without having to worry about how it runs. Reduced cost and size of each change empower developers to experim.


Docker HUB

building process after update repository from bitbucket

building process after update repository from bitbucket

Python IDE



It’s short article about Python Django in Docker implementation and Semaphore testing.

If you are looking for more info I can give you hints or advice over email.

Tom Sapletta

Author: Tom Sapletta

I connect the expiriences with new ideas. I have been passionate about computers and programming for 10 years. My first (micro) computer was ZX-Spectrum and the programming language was Basic. Since 2010, I have been programming professionally, objectively and functionally in monolithic and micro-service architectures. I am currently creating an ecosystem architecture at API foundation.