IOT for FUN, wunder bar, relayr

IOT for FUN, wunder bar, relayr

The WunderBar is built for software developers. It is a powerful rapid prototyping and product development tool that enables developers to immediately start creating products and solutions that utilise the Internet of Things, without any prior hardware knowledge. No soldering or electronic engineering experience is needed. Just choose what sensors you need for your project and start coding.


All looks nice,

just why it not works?

Why so many problems with so easy solution?

Maybe it was perfekt prototype, but now i am sure it is just ugly product, which dont want working.

What i want do, i want use just any pieces to my own prototypes, beacues of good hardware, software i can write own.

from relayr import Api
api = Api()
publishers = list(api.get_public_publishers())
print('%d publishers' % len(publishers))
Tom Sapletta

Author: Tom Sapletta

I connect the expiriences with new ideas. I have been passionate about computers and programming for 10 years. My first (micro) computer was ZX-Spectrum and the programming language was Basic. Since 2010, I have been programming professionally, objectively and functionally in monolithic and micro-service architectures. I am currently creating an ecosystem architecture at API foundation.